Commercial Construction Services
Construction is a step-by-step process. But even the slightest misstep can lead to disaster. Our wide range of commercial construction services will get you started on the right foot – and then we walk with you every step of the way. From Major & Minor Subdivision Development, Water & Sewer Mains, Storm Water Management, Primary Power, Road Construction, and Commercial Site Development – Mid-Coast Excavation Inc. is the go-to construction company to help build your future.

Major & Minor Subdivision Development
Precision From Start To Finish.
In particular, we specialize in reading plans from the engineers. Together with our GPS system, we make sure the layout is precise. As a result of our years of experience on local planning boards, you get the advantage of our firsthand knowledge of local planning ordinances and permitting processes. Plus, we use the best materials and ensure each step is in accordance with proper procedures, thus avoiding costly delays. In other words, you save time and money when the job is done right. As a hallmark of our commercial construction services, our major and minor subdivision development spans the following services: Preliminary Work – Tree clearing, layout (including GPS modeling), water & sewer main (if applicable), storm water drain, and underground power Road Construction – Pavement & curbing prep (if applicable), road building Finish Site Work – Loam & seed, planting, mailbox and/or sign installation, etc.
Water / Sewer Main Installation, Service, & Repair
A successful project starts with a solid plan. Without knowledge of the ins and outs of the construction process, the details can be overwhelming. When it comes to the complex process of installing and connecting public water and sewer mains, even the slightest misstep can sink a project.
In order to clear the way for a system that flows smoothly, our team knows local regulations like the back of our hand. Having established an excellent reputation with local towns, public works, and engineers, we regularly communicate with them to ensure zoning and equipment compliance.
A System That Flows.
The water and sewer main system is the artery of your building’s water supply. If done incorrectly, a chain reaction of problems can lead to quite a mess. For this reason, our team of experts carefully follows a step-by-step process to ensure efficient and accurate results.
For starters, we excavate the site and prepare it for development. With attention to specifications and safety standards, we dig the trenches and ready them for pipe installation. Then, we lay the pipe and connect it to the existing water main supply. When the job is done right from the very start, systems will flow free and clear for years to come.
In spite of even the best system installation, the long-term effects of moisture and corrosion can eventually cause everything from cracks and leaks to a plugged system. Sometimes it takes more than a plunger to solve a problem. When issues arise, our team is readily available to assess, diagnose, and repair your system. Instead of waiting for a problem to get worse, prompt and professional service saves you further cost and damage to your property. If you have any concerns with your water/sewer lines, large or small, just contact us to keep your system flowing.

Storm Water Management
All Maine residents know that the weather can change at a moment’s notice. Our bright blue skies can suddenly darken with a sweeping storm. Consequently, flash floods and the remaining standing water can cause big problems. Not only is it damaging to your property, but it is also a safety hazard that can carry pollutants into the environment. It can even affect your drinking water and health.
Because clean water is truly essential to life, we place great importance on storm water management for our commercial construction services.
We Focus On Best Management Practices.
Water Quality & Control – We manage the disposal of construction site waste in accordance with federal and local regulations. This limits run-off pollution that threatens the surrounding environment. Also, we secure sand and cement on site to prevent it from washing into drains and local water sources.
Erosion Control – We use erosion control measures appropriate for each site design and topography. This includes phasing construction activity, controlling the flow of storm water in and around the project (e.g. diversion ditches), stabilizing the soil with appropriate covers, and protecting slopes (e.g. erosion control blankets, etc.).
Storm Ponds – We create a basin near the perimeter of the site to divert and collect storm water run-off. This allows sediment to settle and reduces off-site transportation.

Primary Power Contractor
Plug into the team that powers you up! When it comes to construction, we lay the power grid that gets you up and running.
To start, we design an electrical plan that fits your needs. Then, we get right to work.
Our Broad Range Of Services:
• Laying power lines specific to the design.
• Advising on the best installations for your building.
• Installing conduit and blowing the wire through it.
• Preparing the system to be powered up by the electrician.
• Installing riser poles and transformer pads.
• Establishing an efficient and dependable system.
Just as connection is important in any electrical operation, we place high priority on communication with the electricians. Together, we work hand-in-hand to design, install, and maintain your electrical systems. When it comes to project management, we make sure all parties connect with our clients so you won’t be left in the dark.

Road Construction
When you build with us, you won’t have to wait long to get on the road again! Our expert road construction team clears the way for smooth travels – starting from the ground up.
Starting with the sub-base, we lay a solid groundwork for roads that last. Careful to follow MDOT standard specifications, we construct our roads with the latest and best spec materials.
Because road integrity is our top priority, we pay attention to the finer details. And the fact of the matter is, the layering process is complex. As such, knowledge of the right road building materials and procedures is a must. Even the slightest error can result in a crumbled disaster.
Our Experience Is Your Benefit.
Relying on our decades of experience, we know which materials and construction methods will best suit any type of road. For example, we know when to use interventions, such as geotextiles, and when such products are not necessary. In other words, our firsthand knowledge of road construction saves you money while producing the highest quality results.
Our commitment to quality and durability paves the way for smooth surfaces that last. When you build with us, it won’t take long to hit the road with confidence.

Any and All COMMERCIAL Site Development
When it comes to commercial site development, our resumé is always growing. Solar farms, banks, shopping malls, gas stations, car washes, multi-unit apartment buildings – we do it all! And we love new challenges.
Beginning with the site development planning model and layout, we work closely with the engineer to make that vision reality. With attention to safety and regulations, we then set the stage for the site’s infrastructure. This complex process includes storm water management, water & sewer mains, primary power conduit, and road building. Once this all is in place, we are ready to pour the foundation for your build.
For the final steps, we offer a wide variety of services from paving & curbing to loam & seed. By and large, we complete your site with a finishing touch!
Communication Is Key.
With each and every commercial site development project, we carry out a process that is consistent and efficient. Proficient in time management, we lay out a strict schedule months in advance to make sure all the dominos fall exactly when they should. Similarly, we schedule and distribute our employees across each job so time is used effectively.
Because of our streamlined process, we are able to give our customers the most accurate time estimates possible. Communication within our team is high priority, and we make every effort to keep you in the loop. As we like to say – we have good communication with our team, and we have GREAT communication with our clients!